Installing the software
You need the access rights of the superuser root for the installation process.
Hewlett-Packard HP-UX
To install the software you will need approximately 47 MBytes free filesystem space.
Copy the uncompressed installation file xmetax.sw to the temporary directory /tmp on your computer.
Install the software using the following commands:
/usr/sbin/swinstall -s /tmp/xmetax.sw "*"
rm /tmp/xmetax.sw
To install the software you will need approximately 47 MBytes free filesystem space.
Copy the uncompressed installation file xmetax.tar to the temporary directory /tmp on your computer.
Install the software using the following commands:
cd /
tar xfp /tmp/xmetax.tar
rm /tmp/xmetax.tar
To install the software you will need approximately 34 MBytes (Linux x86_32) or 39 MBytes (Linux x86_64) free filesystem space.
Copy the uncompressed installation file xmetax.tar to the temporary directory /tmp on your computer.
Install the software using the following commands:
cd /
tar xfp /tmp/xmetax.tar
rm /tmp/xmetax.tar
Oracle Solaris
To install the software you will need approximately 49 MBytes free filesystem space.
Copy the uncompressed installation file xmetax.pkg to the temporary directory /tmp on your computer.
Install the software using the following commands:
/usr/sbin/pkgadd -d /tmp/xmetax.pkg all
rm /tmp/xmetax.pkg