The server statement specifies the display name of an X Window server — master or slave —, which should be controlled by XcontrolX:
server display_name
The display_name of a slave has to contain a hostname (hostname:display_number) the master can also be specified by the display number only (:display_number). The xcontrolx program always treats the X Window server to which it connects first as master.
The server statement introduces sub-statements, which specify additional parameters of the server.
The sub-statement
connectTimeout timeout
determines the period of time (Points of time and periods of time), within which the xcontrolx program tries to connect to the corresponding X Window server (master or slave), 20 seconds by default.
Input control
The sub-statement
control input
configures remote input of XcontrolX on an X Window server and introduces sub-sub-statements.
The sub-sub-statement
mode never|onEnter|onTelePointerClicked
configures the type of input control:
never: this server cannot be controlled by XcontrolX.
onEnter (fixed for the master): each screen of this server can be accessed using the mouse pointer, with immediate input capability.
onTelepointerClicked (default for slaves): if XcontrolX shows a telepointer on this server (Telepointer control), remote input is enabled by a mouse click.
The concurrent access by multiple xcontrolx processes to a server is regulated by priorities. If one xcontrolx process controls a server it can be driven out by another xcontrolx process with an equal or higher input priority value only. The sub-sub-statement
priority priority_value
specifies the input priority value of a server (1 by default).
The sub-sub-statement
reserve on|off
determines whether the priority should have effect even when XcontrolX does not control the server any longer (fixed for the master) or not (default for slaves). This can be used to reserve a server.
You cannot access a slave, if one of its mouse or keyboard keys is pressed.
Telepointer control
The sub-statement
control telepointer
configures the telepointer display of XcontrolX on an X Window server and introduces sub-sub-statements.
The sub-sub-statement
mode never|onEnter|onInputLost|onEnterOrInputLost
configures the type of telepointer control:
never (fixed for the master): XcontrolX cannot display a telepointer on this server.
onEnter: each screen of this server can be accessed using the mouse pointer displaying the telepointer.
onInputLost: if XcontrolX loses input control because it gets driven out by another xcontrolx process (Input control) the telepointer is displayed.
onEnterOrInputLost (default for slaves): combines the conditions onEnter and onInputLost.
The concurrent access by multiple xcontrolx processes to a server is regulated by priorities. If one xcontrolx process displays a telepointer on a server it can be driven out by another xcontrolx process with an equal or higher telepointer priority value only. The sub-sub-statement
priority priority_value
specifies the telepointer priority value of a server (0 by default).
The sub-sub-statement
reserve on|off
determines whether the priority should have effect even when XcontrolX does not display the telepointer any longer or not (default for slaves). This can be used to reserve a server.
The sub-sub-statement
multi on|off
allows (by default) or disallows the display of multiple telepointers in the case of concurrent access to a server.
Miscellaneous server statements
Transmission of pointer movements
If you encounter network performance problems, you may optimize the transmission of pointer movements from the master to a slave.
In case of low bandwidth the sub-statement:
motionCompression on|off
minimizes the number of transferred motion events (off by default).
In case of network latency the sub-statement
motionSync on|off
should help (off by default).
Keyboard focus
The sub-statement
commonKeyboardFocus on|off
specifies whether — regarding all controlled or reserved slaves and the master — only one keyboard focus should be in affect or whether the keyboard focus should change when changing to an other server (default).
Synchronization of selections
The sub-statement
commonSelection on|off
specifies whether the selections of all controlled or reserved slaves and master should be synchronized (set by default). In this case, for instance, cut&paste data is transferred between the screens.