License file
The license key (License key) is stored in a license file which is supervised by a license server (License server).
If you received the license document electronically you may use it unchanged — in HTML format — as license file. However, the minimal version of a license file, which contains one or more license keys only, is sufficient, too.
All lines of the license file which start with one of the characters #, ;, and < are ignored by the license server.
The license file may also contain configuration statements. They affect all license keys of the license file.
The statements
reserveForUser {username number}...
reserveForHost {hostname number}...
reserve number rights of use (Restriction of simultaneous use) of the corresponding base product (without options (Options)) for a user and the users of a computer, respectively.
The statements
allowUser username...
denyUser username...
allowHost hostname...
denyHost hostname...
allow or deny the execution of the licensed product by the specified users and computers, respectively. If the execution is allowed explicitly, all other uses are denied, and vice versa.
Message text
The statement
message text
specifies a message text which is additionally displayed to the user in case of licensing problems. For example, the text may contain the email address of the system administrator.
License directory
The license files are stored in a directory — usually /etc/opt/XSOXlicense/licenses —, which is continuously supervised by a license server (License server).
Any modification in the license directory gets effective within less than 30 seconds.
The license directory should reside on the computer running the license server, it should not be mounted by for instance NFS. It should be owned by the user which executes the license server (usually root) and it should have the access permissions 0755 (drwxr-xr-x).